Monday, February 22, 2016

This is a new era.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


be humble in emerging from your achievements, but boastful in your charity. For while it is true that silent charity is the purest form of giving, such efforts serve only to quiet the individual mind. Even upon slight odds that conspicuous altruism may encourage the efforts of others, it is worth any impression of immodesty.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rourke/Tomei - The Wrestler

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Goddamn they don't make em' like they used to.

Cassidy: Fuckin' 80's man, best shit ever!

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Bet'chr ass man, Guns N' Roses! Rules.

Cassidy: Crue!

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Yeah!

Cassidy: Def Lep!

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Then that Cobain pussy had to come around & ruin it all.

Cassidy: Like there's something wrong, why not just have a good time?

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: I'll tell you somethin', I hate the fuckin' 90's.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sartre's Unchecked Agression

Sartre’s Unchecked Agression

The chicken who’s missing one feather. The colonel who penned his masterpiece. The slave with the salve. The titans battle within.

I saw the thick barrelled tip, I peered slowly over the ink. “Where are you?”, her voice ballooned. “I’m in the crack chamber with only this sticky residue and some weird opaque clarity, plenty of blue. It’s kinda good.” I was loyal. “I cant see you that well, but I’m pretty sure you’re not lying to me at this point, are you you?.” The point!? Youre at the point, I’m in the back. It’s breaking…! “No, I’m in the far end of the sauce though if you wanna come get me.” Oh, ok. Um, I haven’t been able to decide how to get up there, plus I’m scared of that part. “Do you really want me or do you want me on paper?” There was no pain in her voice. Haha, I told her she was always the sensible type, quick with a bad pun, but I loved her. But now you’re cursive. I curse you!, I called out jealously with hidden tone as I bounded from the ink’s cusp and back to the stopper. “Playful,” she laughed at me sliding out arms raised, “Good luck with your airtight lesson and your impersonations, see you in the stacks.” OK, sweety, I’ll miss you, I’m sorry I wouldn’t save you. And she was gone. Ehh, at least I’m not in the ink, damn I’m gunna miss her though. Ahh, remember that girl who lived with me at the butt end. We really had some times. What’s that voice?

Box of ten, package of twenty, carton of 24, factory of thousands, thousands of factories. One letter, one word, one page, one book, one shelf, one library, one branch, one system, one… Uy, I’ll never find her…

Ink is alive. Print is dead. Our battles are purgatory.
Lesson learned wish me luck. Ive heard that somewhere.

*Yawn* “That’s it for me today, I’m going to sleep.” Who said that.

I spoke in my sleep: “Two planets love for each other is insignificant.”

A near voice responded with pristine sonics, “That’s not an unbiased view.”

Double negative. There were smudges on my hand.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

and it starts...

sometime around midnight. good god this song (by airborne toxic event) is beautiful. i had a night precisely like this in my life + i wouldnt even need to describe the events of it - i would need to merely play someone this song.

if this dude never writes another song, he could die tomorrow and have served a purpose on this earth. when will i be able to say that about myself?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thomas Jefferson and Banking Institutions

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.'

Thomas Jefferson 1802

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Supreme Court and The Election

Supreme Court Vacancies Likely in Next Four Years

One issue that has been totally absent from the campaign is the Supreme Court. Five of the justices are 70 or more. Justice Stevens is 88 and unlikely to want to serve 4 more years. Justice Ginsberg had cancer and was operated on for it. Justice Souter is known to want to retire and return to New Hampshire. These are three of the most liberal justices on the court. If all three retire and are replaced by Obama, the court will retain its even split between liberals and conservatives for many years to come. If all three are replaced by McCain, the conservatives will have a clear majority and surely reverse Roe v. Wade and many other decisions that conservatives think are wrong. It is amazing that the court has gotten so little attention.